In researching my book, Your Creative Writing Masterclass, I found that one thing many great writers have in common is that they come up with ideas while walking. Charles Dickens was famous for this, apparently averaging 20 miles a day!
Now some new research from Sweden suggests it helps learning, too.
University lecturer Olle Balter started taking his class for walks in a wooded park instead of teaching in a classroom.
He reports, "Students feel freer to talk when they are outdoors than when they are in a classroom."
He also says 21 of 23 students preferred this method, saying they felt better after an outdoor session than one inside.
Obviously this is more suited to some subjects than to others (Balter teaches media technology), but it is consistent with a Stanford University study linking creativity with physical activity.
The next time you feel yourself stuck--or even when you're not--take a walk!