If you read much on the internet you may have noticed that "insanely" now seems to be the most popular adjective:
"You'll learn some insanely successful ways..."
"Insanely cheap flights"
"25 insanely sexist vintage Valentines"
"Insanely easy vegetarian chilli"
"21 of the most insanely genius hacks"
Somebody, somewhere, must have figured out that more people click on articles with the word insanely in the headline and now it's spreading.
Coming up fast from the rear we have "ridiculously":
"ridiculously photogenic"
"the 21 most ridiculously frustrating video game moments"
"8 ridiculously hard butt moves"
Also ridiculously fun, resilient, efficient, handsome, responsive, extraordinary, and hot.
Sooner or later, people will realize that what they read when they click on these headlines seldom is insane, ridiculous or outstanding in any way.
Perhaps we can start a movement for Honesty In Adjectives and Adverbs (HAA!), in which case the above would read, "You'll learn some occasionally successful ways..", "8 somewhat difficult butt moves," and "averagely priced flights."
Another current favorite is to add to many listicles "You won't believe number X" in hopes you'll open the list just to see the one you won't believe. A few examples:
"Top 10 Smartest Female Celebrities. You Won't Believe Number 6!" The text starts, "Who said you can't have ridiculously good looks...") No, I didn't look to see who number six is.
"Restaurants open on Thanksgiving. You won't believe number 13!" (I didn't look, but I think it unlikely that I'd react with astonishment to the fact that any particular restaurant is open on Thanksgiving.)
"10 Reasons the Web Is Getting Worse. You won't BELIEVE number six!!" Note the capital letters and the double exclamation mark. I think this is a sign of inflation in the "you won't believe" category.
A variation is "Number X made me..." Examples include "made me cry," "made me spit out my coffee" and "made me lol on the train."
Unfortunately, I won't believe any of those.