If you want to make sure you spend more time doing things you intend to do but sometimes forget, the 'fruit bowl' study by Cornell Food & Brand Labs might help.
They analyzed 112 studies about healthy eating and found that "most healthy eaters did so because a restaurant, grocery store, school cafeteria, or spouse made foods like fruits and vegetables) visible and easy to reach, enticingly displayed, and appear like an obvious choice." (source: Science Daily)
This is an example of the "nudge' philosophy that says if you want to encourage a behavior, make it easy and provide reminders.
We can apply the same principle to making sure we spend more time on things (like advancing a writing project, for instance) that we might otherwise neglect.
In that example it might take the form of having a folder about the project in plain site, making a note at the end of a writing session about what we intend to do in the next one, and something as simple as putting "work on Project X" on our calendars. It's the opposite of 'out of sight, out of mind.'