No matter how dark things may appear at the moment, it's very likely you still have some things to be grateful for. They may be large or small. They could include:
* the support of a friend
* being appreciated by someone you've helped
* a delicious snack
* a job you like
* earning enough to pay your bills
* a park near your home
* good health
* a music track that makes you feel good
* a favorite shirt or dress
* a smile from a stranger
* a brilliant idea
Even if your general circumstances are not so good, focus on what is good at this moment. For instance, maybe you worry about debts, but at this moment what can you enjoy anyway? A chat with a friend, listening to a favorite music track, watching a favorite TV show, writing a poem or a short story, watering your lovely plants?
The idea isn't to avoid the negative, but often we forget the good things even in the moments we can't do anything about the not so good ones.
Rate your happiness on a scale from one to ten, one being absolutely miserable, ten being overjoyed most of the time. Yes, this is subjective, but you'll be comparing yourself only to yourself.
Every day take one minute to jot down at least five things you are grateful for right then. If you do it at breakfast and are enjoying your muffin, that can go on the list. Some items may appear on the list every day, that's fine. Do this for two weeks at whatever time of day works best, ideally roughly the same time every day, and written by hand. You don't need to keep the lists, although you may want to.
At the end of two weeks, rate your happiness again. If you feel you'd continue to get benefit from making your gratitude lists daily, do so. Otherwise, put it in your calendar to do it at least once a week.
Note for writers: Rejections getting you down? Use this tool to remind yourself what aspects of being a writer you are grateful for: your ideas, the time to write, the support of your writing group, etc.
(If you are having a hard time getting over a traumatic or stressful event, check out the method recommended here.)