Dov Gordon of Alchemist Entrepreneur Ltd. had an idea I like. He said when he moved into his new office a few weeks ago he bought a Thinking Chair, where he goes to get away from the screens and reflects.
How about you? Do you have a thinking chair or a space where you can sit and think without interruption?
It's so hard to avoid the lure of the screens even when we know we should, because they are never far away.The phone, the pad, the computer's as though somebody trying to avoid fast food had a bag of fresh hot french fries sitting in front of them during all their waking hours.
The thinking chair can be in your office, living room, or a nearby coffee shop--I prefer the coffee shop because all I take along is a pen and a notepad, not the laptop and not the phone, so there are no screens calling out to be checked.
If you think you might benefit, designate a thinking chair and try it for just fifteen minutes a day--you might be surprised by the positive results.