Let's look at a few word mix-ups to avoid. First, here's part of the text for an ad for a speech to text program:
Are you looking for dictation software with maximum versatility and functionality? Look no further than the all-new addition of Dragon 5 for Mac.
It was added to their product line but they meant an all-new edition.
Another mix-up was in a headline about the drug that apparently killed Prince, which was described as "More powerful than heroine."
Although we do have many strong female role models these days, the headline writer meant heroin.
Finally, a headline said that a certain development would "endanger the area's cache."
The right word is cachet (ka-shay), the state of being admired or respected.
A cache (pronounced like cash) is a collection of similar items hidden away--these days we see it most often applying to information stored on a computer so it can be found quickly.
There's no shame in making errors like this, I'm sure I do it all the time, but when headline writers and journalists do it and editors don't catch it, it spreads the errors.