Wired.com reported on a movie made by Artificial Intelligence (one called Benjamin). Here's an example of how Benjamin responded to the question, "What's next for you?":
“The staff is divided by the train of the burning machine building with sweat. No one will see your face. The children reach into the furnace, but the light is still slipping to the floor. The world is still embarrassed. The party is with your staff. My name is Benjamin.”
I guess that's not so different from a few quotes by actual directors while they were chemically enhanced (or the writing of Wm Burroughs, who was chemically enhanced most of the time) but it suggests that we writers don't need to worry about AI taking over quite yet.
There's a video about Benjamin and the film, as well as his two previous efforts, here. And you can view the actual film, Zone Out, which is pretty funny before it gets annoying, here.