If you're low on creative energy right now, you're not alone.
As I write this, we're in the middle (?) of the pandemic and everyone I've talked to says they're feeling lethargic. Most are finding it hard to be creative.
I don't know whether that's the effect of prolonged anxiety, the lack of stimulation because we've all been penned up so long, or something else. Probably it's a combination of factors.
I did a little informal survey for tips on overcoming this ennui and here are the top ones that came up:
- Don't be hard on yourself about it. That only adds pressure to what already feels like a pressured time.
- Reconnect with the creative work you've found inspiring in the past--works by your favorite authors, painters, musicians, etc. It could also mean re-watching a favorite film or TV series.
- Set yourself a small creative task every day. For a writer, this might be composing a haiku, the opening sentence of a story or screenplay, a colorful three-word description of a character. If any of those inspire you to keep going and turn it into something longer, go with it.
- Add a creative element to the next email you send to a friend--like a haiku or a doodle.
- Take a walk and look for one interesting thing to photograph. I've been doing this and I've added one of mine below.
If you've found any other methods useful, let me know in the comments or to [email protected].
Our creativity is one of the most useful tools we have for getting through these tough times, let's not abandon it!