Various types of writing can help us get through these tough times. Here are some things you can do:
- Write a short story or some flash fiction to turn your frustration into a creative act. The process of doing it is more important than whether or not you share it, but you can also do the latter. For instance, if you're on social media, why share some of your flash fiction (very short stories) via your site?
- While you're taking your daily walks or doing your exercises, use that time to brainstorm story ideas or think about the characters in your novel, short story, or screenplay.
- Write notes of support to your friends and family. Even just a brief "thinking of you" postcard or email can help us stay connected. You might be surprised at how much this brightens somebody's day.
- Write a list of things you're grateful for. It's easy to focus on all the things we're missing at the moment, so take the time to balance that with the things you do have.
- Write a list of the things that are bugging you. Divide them into two categories: the things you can't do anything about and the ones you can address with some kind of action. For instance, the national death rate isn't in your control (although of course doing the mask and social distancing thing does help); feeling stir-crazy is something you can act on by exercising, sharing your ideas via Zoom, meditating, etc.
If there's somebody in your life who might benefit from these ideas, why not share them (along with that note of support)?